Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Photographing Zara

Last week I had the pleasure of photographing Zara. She is an up and coming talented model/actress, who is an absolute delight to work with. She is moving over to Dubai soon and postponed her travel plans so she could have her portfolio updated by me!

Thank you Zara for delaying your plans we got some beautiful photographs, looking forward to showing you. x

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Cherish the dress Fan Club

We had a fabulous time when Denise (a brilliant make up artist from Heavenly Bodies in Milnrow) went to see Emma Jackson for a cherish the dress shoot. We started at Emma's house were we had coffee and croissants for breakfast- a good start to the day Im sure you'll agree.
When the make up and hair was finished, it wasn't difficult to convince Emma that it would be a great idea to start the location shoot at near by run down factory! As everyone on their break from the company across the road watched on, Emma loved posing to her new fan club and we got some great images.

With the weather holding out for us, we carried on into the woods and finished alongside the river. Emma was great and even brave enough to balance on the stepping stones too. Im really looking forward to showing Emma and Mike the pictures.